Thursday, July 10, 2008

Hello My Family

I'm at the beach with my family from Wednesday to Saturday. I've been looking forward to the beach for a few months now. And even looking forward to catching up with my cousins and aunts and uncles. Who knows why? I certainly don't. My dad's side of the family is quite a.... how do I put this nicely? They're, uh, I don't know. They're my family and I'm amused by them and yet I can't stand them at times. I think two of my aunts continue to worry and bother you because their own kids are grown. My aunt Mary-Ann' kids are much more patient than I'd ever be. When we were kids she used to prepare them breakfast every morning. The rest of us would look on in amazement as we poured bowls of cereal for ourselves. 
I prepared dinner tonight. As my friends can all atest I am a damn good cook. My aunts hovered over me asking ridiculous questions and driving me crazy. 
"When are you going to the store?" "Where's you father?" "I don't know. I've been at the beach. You're more likely to see him than me." "Did you get plates out?" "Yes" "How about forks?" "Oh you wanted forks?" (I hadn't. God she was right.) 
And then they melted. It was the apricot baklava. I know it. Suckers.

Tomorrow I'm spending the entire day at the beach where the sound of their voices will be drowned out by waves and lots of beer.

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