Thursday, August 28, 2008

Great New Hope

I've been kirking out on the DNC this week. Listening to the speeches on the radio, watching them in video on the New York Times website. They've made me laugh and they've made me cry. I was just sitting at my desk wiping away tears after watching Hillary speak. TEARS. I didn't vote for her and I didn't really want her as our candidate but she was so graceful in defeat I forgot all the things I disliked about her. I was so PROUD. proud of our country and proud that she wouldn't let a thing like personal politics get in the way of our country's politics. Proud that the Democratic party is uniting behind one man and urging us to hope, to work and to fight for the change we so desperately need.

Before that I watched her husband, former President Clinton. I know that speech couldn't have been easy for him, I know how much he worked to help his wife, and how much it must mean for him, who so loved the political strategies and limelight to step aside to let someone else take his place as the Great New Hope.

Listening to Joe Biden I was again impressed by him, during the early debates I started to notice what he was saying and agree with him. I think Obama chose a great running mate.

I cry so much these days listening to the hopes of our country bound up in these mortal men and women. I hear Obama's name linked to so many great dreams and desires for our country. I hope we can work with him to achieve them. I hope his fellow politicians can set aside their quarrels for the time and focus on making this country work again. President Clinton said something that really resonated with me. He said "The world has always responded better to the power of our example rather than an example of our power." Let's get back to that.

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