Monday, January 29, 2007

Again with the life questions

Who am I? What is my purpose in life? What should I do with my life?
Big questions without real answers, I know. But they're questions that have been plaguing me lately. What should I do with my life? I ask this of myself constantly. And also, am I living in the right place? I moved to New York with the hope that I would be part of this exciting city and get to experience a different sort of life. Meet new and interesting people. Right now that seems a little bleak. I know it's because I'm still new here but it does throw into starck relief the kind of life I hope to have and if this is the path that will get me there.
I've also been wondering if television and film is something I want to continue pursuing. I think about going back to school constantly but I don't know if it is just my escape mechanism kicking in or what. See, everything that I attempt that seems hard or insurmountable I drop or run from. The only time I stuck it out was to finish my degree. I knew I could do it even if I was tired of it and ready to be done. Or I leave places when I feel bored and as though I'm stuck. I don't know if this is the best way to live life because it means I never give things the chance they deserve and I never stick things out. But I also tend to think that life is too short to be miserable in a job or place. So my delimma is always whether it is better to stick something out or get out of the mess. And right now that's my problem.
See, I convince myself that this career isn't the one for me, or this school or major or job. I convince myself that things will be better elsewhere. It's the 'Grass Is Greener' syndrome. I'm not that jealous of people per se, I'm just always looking for the next pot of gold in a way. I guess that's the American Dream but I want MY dream, not the American Dream. I can never figure out what would be the best route. I always second guess myself and I always change my mind.
Right now I'm trying to decide whether to try television for a while and then, depending on that, I'll decide about grad school. And that seems a reasonable enough solution. Especially considering that the television job I'm looking for isn't hiring until March through June. And I wouldn't even start applying to grad school until the Fall or Spring of next year. You would think that I could just sit back and relax and wait to see. But no. I constantly have to be weighing the options, considering my next move. I can't sit still.
I think part of this has to do with the fact that I don't yet have a place to live. I'm on the verge of desperation. I don't know where I'll go in about a week. If I get the internship that I was offered I guess I'll really have to find a place. If not I might have to go back to Reston for a little while and decide what to do then. I don't want to have to go back to Reston. I'd like to make a break and stay here and begin to settle in. If I do get the writer's assistant job I want it might take me to L.A., which I'd be fine with. I just need to know something. Usually I take it all in stride and have a sense of certainty that even up to the last minute something will work itself out. But when it means I might not have a place to live and my resources are dwindling it makes it a little harder to sit back and wait for something to fall in my lap. It's like my daydreams are getting caught up in ther real world and the world I thought I knew as real is slowly turning sour.

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