Thursday, May 08, 2008

Flip That Apartment

The 'partment's coming along nicely. I'm all domesticated and shit. Seriously, I've always been into design and making my surroundings look nice but lately it's been out of control. I guess before my domestic side was resting dormant because I was in my mom's house and even when I did a little it was still her house and her way. I couldn't throw out the godawful furniture that I hated. Or keep her from going all country in the modern box of a house we had. I settled for painting my walls and buying furniture I liked, cooking meals in her (very nice kitchen) for friends on days she would be out so I could pretend it was my own home I was inviting friends over to. And it worked, reasonably well for a number of years. But now...I have my own place and like a little well spring that finally found an outlet I've been kirking out on cheap design ideas for the new place. We don't have a lot of money right now to spend on things so we've been making do with what we could borrow or steal from home. And a trip to IKEA tomorrow when my paycheck comes in...

Jules and I were looking around the place last night and we both sort of sighed in relief. It was ours, and it was looking pretty good. For obvious reasons we've gone with the eclectic look, not too hippie, hopefully. We have the flowery, cushionless kitchen couch covered in a tapestry blanket I had in my closet (I honestly can't figure out where it came from) and a folded down comforter acting as the cushions. Austin donated some end tables that an old roommate left. At first I wasn't sure about them, but I must admit they look good. Especially with Jules' blue Hindu goddess sculpture and the orchid plant she bought me. Pictures and artwork I've been hoarding has come out of the woodwork and found a place on our walls. A kitchen table donated by a woman who overheard Jules at work isn't perfect but it's pretty nice. And then I get to go crazy with all the Design It Yourself stuff I can imagine. Pictures will follow soon, I hope.

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