Wednesday, November 05, 2008


You did it. I am so proud. I can't believe we actually pulled it off. No contests, either. WHOOOOOOOO. Who would have thought it??? I remember crying four years ago, hearing Kerry's concession. I honesly can't believe it. And I am so proud of Virginia. YOU did it! (Ok, obviously I'm a little drunk. On hope. Duh. ) 

But can I say one thing?? Ok, here it is: DON'T FUCK THIS UP!!!!!! Seriously, dudes. Whenever one party ends up in power you all seem to get some crazy ego trip, as if you don't seem to realize that if you screw it up WE WILL UNELECT you. Yes. It's a fact. Don't disappoint. PLEASE. I want change. I really really do. But I don't want you to end up corrupt, like the Republicans always seem to do. Please, we need change, we want change. We deserve change. GIVE US CHANGE. But don't abuse it. Okay? Thanks, Meredyth

1 comment:

dani said...

I heart proofreading. And I heart you.