Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Rock Band Meets Real Life

So my sister Wendy came back from her Army training in Fayetteville, NC, bringing along her Korean husband, a slew of Army training and more importantly (at least for this blog) a Wii and Rock Band. Julia and I have been playing nonstop since Monday night when she broke it out. Or, well, Julia's been playing and I've gotten to play the few times I can tear it away from her. Because we only play the guitar. Or I should say, we only play the guitar decently, as compared to the drum set. To hear Julia or I play the drums is like hearing a deaf, white baby play (you, know, because we're tone deaf, and rhythmless, and uncoordinated, just like a deaf white baby). It's pathetic. We aren't so bad when we play the drums together. It's like a two headed baby then, I play the kick pedal, she attempts to hit the drum on beat.
But, when we play the guitar, we can hear our band fantasies coming true, or about as true as they will ever get for us. It's one step up from air guitar, but an important one. I practiced the same two songs over and over last night and can now say I get about a 94% Awesome on 'Maps' by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, and 88% on the Pixies' 'Waves of Mutilation'. I'm feeling pretty proud of myself.

You know how sometimes you'll be so focused on something that you then dream about it?
I had a dream last night, after shredding the Pixies for about 45 minutes, that the applause-o-meter in the game was applied to my real life. Wouldn't that be awesome? You go to get dressed and run for the bus and when you make it on you hear a crowd cheering in your head, the little green thermometer goes up, and you have more life/energy for the rest of the day?
Or you finish a task extra well and get added points? Or you're in bed with someone and you can see you're doing pretty well based on the way things keep, um, rising. And I mean the green approval meter. Because how else do you know when you're doing really well? I wish my life did have an approval rating that I could check out, and try harder if it wasn't going up. That would be as awesome as being able to 'play' your favorite songs for a crowd.


etoilee8 said...

If this stupid weather keeps up, can I please come over and play rock band tonight?

Varosha said...

Why do you not learn how to actually play the guitar? Considering that you've spent so much time on this game and you could have invested that into a valuable and expressive skill.

Music is an expressive language. Rock Band and Guitar Hero are the expressions of the corporation.

meredyth said...

Did you read the part about where I have no rhythm and am tone deaf? I've tried to learn. This is about as close as I've gotten to understanding how notes, rhythm and a repeated pattern creates such a magical thing as music. Up until now I've been like those medival scientests who don't know how a thing works, they just know it does. Maybe trying this out will give me the stepping stool I need to actually understand how music works. Or I could just listen to it and not care.
Tell me, have you ever played Madden's football video game instead of actually going out and playing the game professionally yourself? Hmmm?

etoilee8 said...

Hobbes don't be such a stick in the mud. Try it for yourself and I assure you, you might even have fun . . . imagine that!