Tuesday, February 19, 2008


This morning I woke up with the sun. There is something amazing in waking up to sunshine through your window. I did hit the snooze a few times but once I was up I rejoiced in the bright light. FINALLY. I got ready in record time, had a nice little breakfast of coffee, peanut butter toast and pear slices (Oh, I should have added some cheese!). And I read the New York Times online while eating. I came across this little celebration of grammar and it made me laugh, then question my own use of the semicolon, which I feel is too flagrant and wildly wielded. You can tell I'm an English major by that statement alone, can't you?

I got out of the house and to work early, but my lovely silk pants caused me to trip on the stairs, fortunately no one was around to witness my fall from grace.

Here's hoping I continue to have a graceful, peaceful day and even get some writing in.

Hmm. I think if I decide to go blonde, as someone asked if I ever considered, she's going to be my inspiration: Kim Novak.

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