Monday, April 21, 2008

Best! Weekend! Ever!

I had pretty much the best weekend ever. Except for a couple of minor things to worry over, I really enjoyed it tremendously. I took Friday off from work, and chose the best possible day to do it too. It was absolutely gorgeous, hot and lazy. Flowers blooming and fat bumblebees buzzing through the perfumed air. I woke up early enough to do everything I wanted, but not so early that I didn't feel rested. Went downstairs for some coffee from my french press coffeemaker, which I miss so much on weekdays, and found a letter from George Mason. I got into their M.A. program in Literature. I have been doing little happy dances ever since, insanely excited about the prospect of returning to school. Getting to read books and study, discuss and think for two years makes me ridiculously excited. I know, I know, huge dork. Unbelievably, but I've been flogging away here in the real world for about 9 months, and the thought of using my brain again, for something I love, is refreshing. Of course, now I'm worrying about how to pay for it, and the thought that I might end up hating what I've spent the past two years preparing for, but if my current excitement is any indication, I've chosen wisely. And, my very dear friend, Corey, of the Corey Beasley Story, will be joining me on the quad, to look cool as usual.
The rest of Friday was spent exactly as I imagined it. I went to get breakfast with the Designer and the Pea, and then took a walk with the Pea, discussing art and Mason. I headed into the city that afternoon for a summer haircut, shopped at Paper Source and Urban and then caught a movie with a friend and had a beer in the summery night.

Saturday I was woken up by Mark to go downtown and check out the National Portrait Gallery with Alex, which if you have not seen yet, I encourage you to do. The three of us meandered through the halls looking at portraits of people we had studied in History, and so much more. The museum isn't named very well, but it is very interesting.

Then, it was off to a birthday dinner where friends from all over gathered together to celebrate Mark's birthday. I won't tell you how old he is, because he wouldn't like that, but it is a very grown up age (something I can't say about him!! just kidding! kinda). It was really nice that everyone was available to celebrate his birthday with him. I'm sure I would have shed a few tears if it had been me, because there new friends and old friends and the friends you make when people grow up, get married and engaged. I had the $20 I had to borrow from Julia to spend, which did not go far.
Afterwards we went to our monthly minimal techno night at Be Bar, where I ran into an old boss from Tower Records. Unfortunately, everyone was drinking around me and I was too broke to even take advantage of the drink specials. We sort of left early, at least early for what we normally do. It was sort of strange going home at 12pm, but also a relief. I felt a little bad though, that all of Mark's friends made an early night of it, but we had all been out to dinner for three hours before, three hours that were hardly seen by a waiter.
Sunday Julia and I started the Great Apartment Hunt, in the rain. It was nice to come home and watch movies after that.

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