Thursday, December 27, 2007

Gonzo Living

I've learned two things about myself today: One is that I can no longer go out and get drunk and show up at work the next day as though nothing had happened. I went to McCormick's last night to drink a shot in memory of Pletch and all my friends came too. Drinking seemed to make things better, so I kept doing it. I stumbled into bed at a reasonable hour and my dreams were full of more friends joining me at the bar. I woke up in time for work and got here early, but was still a little drunk. It is an uncomfortable thing to realize you are still drunk as you stumble up to a gaurded entrance into a military zone. And I don't think my lack of balance has to do with my shoes. It's going to be a difficult work environment, because although I have lost this ability at 24 I will probably not lose the habit until much later.

The second thing I learned today is that I'm really quite jealous of Hunter S. Thompson, who despite everything still managed to get writing done. Granted, he did have an assistant who babied him until his fingers were on the typewriter, but the copious amounts of drugs and alcohol in his body didn't seem to prevent too much. And I'm also jealous of that crazed, lifestyle, uninhibited by social convention or 9-5 jobs. I want to get out of these jobs too. I don't like the idea that I can't get drunk the night before if I want to.

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