Thursday, December 06, 2007


My boss annoys me so much that just now, after he had corrected me once again for my mistakes, I was thinking 'grrrrrr' so much it's how I started to sign in: geredyth.
He's just so set in his ways that when I stray a little he gets nervous and his back hunches even more than usual. It's not that he's mean, he's just difficult. And he's old. It makes him grumpy and stodgy. He's been doing this job for 18 years and I've only been doing it for three months, so is it any surprise that I make mistakes?

Then there's the stuff that he thinks I should know though no one's told me, or the things that he changes but sincerely believes he's always been doing that way. He doesn't listen when I try to explain my method. I'm the type of person who does things in a unconventional way because it solves the problem, not because it's the most practical way. His life is based on sense and practicality.

I've worked under a boss like this before, and while I'm sure my current boss can hold his temper better than Verne, the previous one, he doesn't listen like Verne, or want the best for me. Verne was like a second father; in fact, his advice was probably more practical than my own father's, who tends to be as much of an idealist as myself. I knew that no matter what I did I would be forgiven. I might be fired, but I'd still be forgiven (in fact, there were a few times where the only reasons why I kept my job was because he was my mother's friend, and because the previous girls who held my job were somehow even stupider). My current boss would probably just shake his head and wonder why I couldn't follow his exacting methods of paper pushing to get the job done. And then not listen to me as I stumble through another convoluted explanation of why I did it the way I did.

I can already see that he's going to be the thorn that will eventually make my exit so sweet. I'm just hoping we can both hold on and compromise until next fall.

1 comment:

Chris Byrd said...

what great insights into yourself AND your father.