Friday, September 15, 2006

I Wanna Write!

All I want to do anymore is write. That's all I've ever wanted to do but lately it's becoming my waking hours mantra. I wanna write. I wanna write. Gimme a pen and paper. (or laptop.)
I haven't been able to take the time to do this lately, and now I have the feeling that the pipes, which were stopped up, are going to start leaking soon and then burst. I know people say if you really loved writing you'd make time for it. I'd like to explain to them my schedule, and then ask where I should find the time to actually write. I'd like to fit it in somewhere but it doesn't seem to work. So I'm reduced to writing on scraps of paper or in odd moments at the Tavern when no one is around. I feel like everywhere I arrive at I'm just catching my breath and once I've done that I have to run off to somewhere else. I can't get my thoughts together.
The whole reason for working at this company is so that I get some experience in the film industry. I want to write screenplays. That is what I love and getting some experience made sense to me. Getting someone to read my work, because I've worked hard for them and I've got connections, also seemed like a good idea. Half the battle is finding someone who will consider reading it.
But now, I'm so busy with my two jobs that I can't find the time to write. How am I supposed to write the scenes that are floating around if I can't find time?
The reason I hope we get these deals closed is so that I can finally get paid here and quit the Tavern. (In addition to getting our movie made.) That would free up my nights and weekends and allow me the time I need to write. I just need 30 minutes a day but I haven't been able to find a whole 30 minutes.

Whew. Thanks. That gets it off my chest a little. Now that I've vented I actually feel like I could do some writing. Thanks.

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